
I am a PhD student in Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh Joint Program in Compuational Biology advised by Takis Benos and co-advised by Kun Zhang . My research interest is applying causal discovery, inference and machine learning to solve important biological and medical problems. Before joined CPCB, I received master degree in computer science from Northeastern University, advised by Raymond Fu.


  1. Our paper ‘‘Towards Cross-Modal Variational Causal Representation and Structure Learning’’ accepted in ML4H, 2022 proceeding track.
  2. Our paper “Demystify the Gravity Well in the Optimization Landscape” is accepted in AAAI 2023.
  3. Our paper “Learning More Effective Cell Representations Efficiently” is accepted in Neurips workshop Learning Meaningful Representations of Life, 2022
  4. Serve as a reviewer for AISTATS 2023.
  5. Present our paper ‘‘COEM: Cross-Modal Embedding for Metacell Identification’’ in ICML workshop on Computational Biology.